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An antibody is an immunoglobulin protein capable of specific combination with an antigen/hapten that has elicited and induced an immune response. Antibodies are produced by B cells in response to presence of antigen/hapten.

  • Tenascin-C (Domain B) (4C8MS) Anti-Human Mouse IgG MoAb

    Tenascin-C (Domain B) (4C8MS) Anti-Human Mouse IgG MoAb

    Tenascin-C (TN-C) is a component of the extracellular matrix (ECM) that has been shown to be involved in tissue interactions during fetal development and oncogenesis. It is glycoprotein consisting of six disulphide monomer isoforms being generated by...

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  • Tenascin-C (Domain B) (4C8MS) Anti-Human Mouse IgG MoAb 1

    Tenascin-C (Domain B) (4C8MS) Anti-Human Mouse IgG MoAb 1

    Tenascin-C (TN-C) is a component of the extracellular matrix (ECM) that has been shown to be involved in tissue interactions during fetal development and oncogenesis. It is glycoprotein consisting of six disulphide monomer isoforms being generated by...

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  • Thioredoxin (C) Anti-Human Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify

    Thioredoxin (C) Anti-Human Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify

    Thioredoxin is a 12kDa oxidoreductase enzyme containing a dithiol-disulfide active site, and it acts as antioxidants by facilitating the reduction of other proteins by cysteine thiol-disulfide exchange. This redox-regulatory protein thioredoxin has...

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  • Tie (N1125) Anti-Human Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify

    Tie (N1125) Anti-Human Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify

    TIE is a new receptor-type tyrosine kinase that was cloned from K562, a chronic myelocytic leukemia cell line. Its molecular weight is 117 kDa and its structure begins with an immunoglobulin-like domain from the extracellular N terminal, continues to 3...

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  • Tie (N1125) Anti-Human Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify 1

    Tie (N1125) Anti-Human Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify 1

    TIE is a new receptor-type tyrosine kinase that was cloned from K562, a chronic myelocytic leukemia cell line. Its molecular weight is 117 kDa and its structure begins with an immunoglobulin-like domain from the extracellular N terminal, continues to 3...

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  • Tie-1 (9C1) Anti-Human Mouse IgG MoAb

    Tie-1 (9C1) Anti-Human Mouse IgG MoAb

    TIE is a new receptor-type tyrosine kinase that was cloned from K562, a chronic myelocytic leukemia cell line. Its molecular weight is 117 kDa and its structure begins with an immunoglobulin-like domain from the extracellular N terminal, continues to 3...

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  • Tie-1 (9C1) Anti-Human Mouse IgG MoAb 1

    Tie-1 (9C1) Anti-Human Mouse IgG MoAb 1

    TIE is a new receptor-type tyrosine kinase that was cloned from K562, a chronic myelocytic leukemia cell line. Its molecular weight is 117 kDa and its structure begins with an immunoglobulin-like domain from the extracellular N terminal, continues to 3...

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    T-cell Immunoglobulin and Mucin-Domain-Containing Molecule-3 (TIM3) is present on T-helper type 1 lymphocytes and other immune cells including dendritic cells and natural killer cells. TIM3 is overexpressed in CD4+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes,...

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  • TIMP-1 (T172) Anti-Human Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify

    TIMP-1 (T172) Anti-Human Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify

    Tissue inhibitor of Metalloprotinase 1 (TIMP-1) is endogenous-specific inhibitor produced simultaneously with matrix metalloproteinase (MMP). TIMP-1 inhibits both active MMP to control degeneration of extracellular matrix (ECM) and conversion of...

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  • TNF-α Anti-Rat Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify

    TNF-α Anti-Rat Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify

    TNF-α (Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha) is a 17.5 kDa, 157 amino acid protein that is a potent lymphoid factor, which exerts cytotoxic effects on a wide range of tumor cells and other target cells. TNF-α has been suggested to play a...

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