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Why Am I Always Hungry?

Posted by Brandon Savela on Feb 15th 2017

What is Leptin?

Leptin is a 146 amino acid protein produced primarily by adipocyte and has a significant role in the regulation of energy homeostasis. Leptin concentration is strongly correlated with body fat stores. In healthy humans low leptin levels are a signal of starvation/fasting and high levels represent high energy storage.

What is functional / biologically active leptin?

It was shown recently that natural occurring mutations in the leptin gene can result in leptin molecules unable to bind to the receptor: biologically inactive leptin.

Traditional leptin immunoassays won’t be able to differentiate between both forms and measure high leptin concentrations. Thus, leptin resistance due to mutated/non-functional leptin cannot be differentiated.

Only allows the detection of functional leptin: very simple and reliable.

Mutated Hormone: The reason for Exceptional Obesity and Hunger?

L07 provides the possibility to find out and function as a tool for screening of the reason for extreme obesity especially in children.

Use L07 for preliminary investigation to confine the active treatment group before further investigations ie. Sequencing the DNA.

Detect deficient and biologically inactive leptin.

Find out additional information on the biological reactivity of the circulating leptin molecules.

Evaluate mutation rates of the leptin gene, inexpensive and fast method.

Accelerate obesity research by improved patient stratification in clinical studies.

Together with the Mediagnost Leptin E07 the relative amount of receptor-binding leptin can easily be detected.

How does bioLEP work?

Eucaryotic recombinant leptin-binding protein is immobilized on the microtiter plate. Thus biologically active functional leptin in the sample will bind to the receptor. The bound leptin is subsequently detected by highly specific conjugated antibody. In case of non-functional mutated leptin in the sample, no signal will arise.

L07 provides the possibility to find it out and function as a tool for screening of the reason for extreme obesity especially in children.

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