MIP-2 (C) Anti-Mouse Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify
GRO (Growth Related Oncogene) belonging to IL-8 family is polypeptide which has three isoforms α, β and γ, and it inhibits proliferation of endothelial cells. GRO/CINC-1 (cytokine-induced neutrophil chemo attractant 1) was originally...
$567.00 -
MDA5 Anti-Human Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify
A full-length cDNA encoding MDA5 was isolated by screening a melanoma differentiation-subtracted library and a placenta cDNA library, also known as Ifih1(Interferon induced with helicase C domain protein 1). Yoneyama et al. have identified a DExD/H...
$567.00 -
MBD2 (Methyl-CpG-Binding Protein 2) Anti-Human Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify
Methylation at CpG dinucleotides in genomic DNA is a fundamental epigenetic mechanism of gene expression control in vertebrates. Proteins with a methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD) can bind to single methylated CpGs and most of them are involved in...
$567.00 -
LRRK2 Anti-Human Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify
Parkinson’s disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative disease and characterized by progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons. Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) is one of the responsible gene of autosomal dominant Parkinson’s...
$567.00 -
LRG (329) Anti-Human Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify
Among the diseases which should be distinguished from iNPH (idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus) of elderly people showing symptoms such as gait disorder and dementia, there are some neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, FTLD...
$567.00 -
LRG (128) Anti-Rat Rabbit Affinity Purify
Among the diseases which should be distinguished from iNPH (idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus) of elderly people showing symptoms such as gait disorder and dementia, there are some neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, FTLD...
$567.00 -
LGP2 Anti-Human Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify
A full-length cDNA encoding mouse LGP2 was cloned by computational analysis, RT-PCR, and RACE of liver and mammary tissue total RNA. And human LGP2 was also cloned. Yoneyama et al. have identified a DExD/H box-containing RNA helicase, retinoic acid...
$567.00 -
Leptin (C) Anti-Rat Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify
The recessive obesity mutation, ob, identified in 1950, results in profound obesity and type II diabetes as part of a syndrome that resembles morbid obesity in humans. Freidman’s group at Rockefeller University originally identified the obesity...
$567.00 -
Leptin (C) Anti-Mouse Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify
The recessive obesity mutation, ob, identified in 1950, results in profound obesity and type II diabetes as part of a syndrome that resembles morbid obesity in humans. Freidman’s group at Rockefeller University originally identified the obesity...
$567.00 -
Leptin (C) Anti-Human Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify
The recessive obesity mutation, ob, identified in 1950, results in profound obesity and type II diabetes as part of a syndrome that resembles morbid obesity in humans. Freidman’s group at Rockefeller University originally identified the obesity...
$567.00 -
FGFR2/K-sam Anti-Human Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify
The K-sam (KATO-III cells-derived stomach cancer amplified gene) gene was originally cloned from KATO-III cells, human gastric cancer, as an amplified gene. And it is identical to FGFR2 (fibroblast growth factor receptor 2), bek (bacteria-expressed...
$567.00 -
KDR (C) Anti-Human Rabbit IgG Affinity Purify
KDR, alternative name Flk-1 (type 2 receptor), is one of the receptors for VEGFs, important growth factors for vasculo-genesis, angiogenesis and lymphangio-genesis. Flt-1 (type 1 receptor) is also known as a VEGF receptor. In particular, it is believed...