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GRO/CINC-1 (Rat)

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Solid phase sandwich ELISA for the determination of GRO/CINC-1 in serum, EDTA-plasma and supernatant of cell culture media. For research use only, not for use in diagnostic procedures.<br><br>
GRO (Growth Related Oncogene) belonging to IL-8 family is polypeptide which has three isoforms α, β and γ, and it inhibits proliferation of endothelial cells. GRO/CINC-1 (cytokine-induced neutrophil chemo attractant 1) was originally purified from media conditioned by IL-1β stimulated rat kidney epithelioid cells (NRK-52E.) Amino acid sequence that encodes rat CINC-1 was identified in 1989 by Watanabe’s group at Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University. CINC-1 is a member of the alpha (CXC) subfamily of chemokines. Three additional rat CXC chemokines (CINC-2α, CINC-2β, CINC-3/MIP-2) have been identified. The protein sequence of CINC-1 is 63 - 67% identical to that of CINC-2α, CINC-2β and CINC-3/MIP-2. In addition, each of GROα, GROβ and GROγ is sharing 68%, 71% and 69% identity with CINC-1. This has been suggested that CINCs are the rat counterparts of human GROs. GROα/MGSA has a high homology with IL-8 in amino acid sequences. It has been reported that it also has a similar configuration in 3D structural analysis and the almost same level of leukocyte chemotaxis with IL-8. Also its production from activated monocyte, fibroblast, epithelial and endothelial cells has been reported. It has been reported that GROβ inhibits angiogenesis in case of administration of GRO in vivo. Mouse KC (Keratinocyto-derived Cytokine) is a counterpart of human GRO protein and it has been reported that KC is produced in such as activated monocyte and fibroblast. Mouse MIP (Macrophage Inflammatory Protein) is polypeptide which has leukocyte chemotaxis and it originally was discovered as a small protein (molecular weight about 8 kDa) induced by the lipo-polysaccharide stimulation in the macrophage cell line. Two kinds, MIP-1 and MIP-2 are identified by the research afterwards.
Assay Description:
1 hour incubation (37ºC) + 30 min. (37ºC) + 30 min. (RT) = 2 hours total incubation time
Catalog number:
96 Determinations, 12x8 removable strips
None provided
Solid phase sandwich ELISA using 2 kinds of high specific antibodies
FDA Status:
For research use only, not for use in diagnostic procedures

Click for MSDS

The protocol for this product (see above) is intended to serve as an example only. Please refer to the Instructions For Use provided with the assay kit for precise details.

Click for Protocol

Sample types:
Serum, EDTA plasma, supernatant of cell culture media
Sample volume:
100 µL of properly diluted unknown / determination
8 standards, serially diluted from 1 prepared lyophilized standard
Standard range:
0 / 4.69 - 300 pg/mL
2 - 8 °C
0.35 pg/mL
Products related:
The control set is available for sale on request

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