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The Complement System: An In-Depth Look

Posted by Brandon Savela on Aug 29th 2018

The complement system is part of the host defense with a number of biological effects, most of which contribute to the inflammatory reaction mainly by activation of cells like leukocytes and endothelial cells. An intact complement system is required for protection against infection and for maintaining the internal inflammatory homeostasis. However, the system is a double-edged sword since improper, enhanced or uncontrolled activation is disadvantageous and potentially harmful for the host. Complement comprises more than 30 proteins acting together in a highly specific manner and is kept under strict control by regulatory proteins. The system can be activated by three initial pathways: Classical, MBL and Alternative.. .Continue reading.

Product Pages:

Complement System Classical Pathway ELISA

Complement System MBL Pathway ELISA

Complement System Alternative Pathway ELISA